PONARS Eurasia’s Newest eBooks:

Zooming In: Regional Perspectives on Russia
Russia’s political and territorial landscape has been undergoing significant shifts, particularly as the Kremlin seeks to consolidate its authority across its vast and diverse regions. The country’s internal challenges—from maintaining control over its ethnic republics to managing rising regional discontent—have been exacerbated by the centralizing ambitions of Moscow. This eBook explores how Russia’s political structure is adapting to these pressures, focusing on the ways in which regional elites, minority groups, and local actors are navigating the evolving dynamics of power. Contributions cover a wide range of issues, from the reassertion of Kremlin control in the North Caucasus to the ongoing tension surrounding language revitalization and regional sovereignty, providing a deeper understanding of Russia’s complex federal system and the resilience of its political structures.

The Impact of the Russo-Ukrainian War on the Broader Region
Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022 has upended its relations with neighbors in the region. Over the last three decades, countries across Eurasia have varied widely in how they have engaged with Moscow, with some advancing more favorable views (both at the elite and the societal levels), while others remaining highly critical of Russia’s often domineering approach. But, now in its third year, the war in Ukraine has forced every country to reevaluate its relationship with Russia. The challenges are many, from managing the effect of international sanctions (and Russia’s attempts to evade them), handling waves of Russian emigres and the societal tensions they create, and assessing new threats to their own sovereignty in light of Russia’s aggression. This eBook shifts the focus from Russia to the other countries in the Eurasia region and gives the floor to experts on and from these societies to analyze the broader fallout of the war in Ukraine.