The contents of articles published on the PONARS Eurasia website are the sole responsibility of the author(s). The program, including its staff and faculty, is not responsible for any inaccurate or incorrect statement expressed in the published articles, which include policy memos, commentaries/blogs, and papers. The articles do not necessarily represent the views of any members of the program.
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Suggested for Policy Memos
2010-present (Policy Memos No. 89-present):
Example: Juliet Johnson and Benjamin Forest, “Waving the EU Flag in Eurasia,” PONARS Eurasia Policy Memo No. 590, George Washington University, April 2019.
2008-2009 (Policy Memos No. 1-88):
Example: Sufian Zhemukhov, “Circassian World: Responses to New Challenges,” PONARS Eurasia Policy Memo No. 54, December 2008.
1997-2007 (Policy Memos No. 1-432):
Example: Alla Kassianova, “Russian Weapons Sales to Iran: Why They Are Unlikely to Stop,” PONARS Policy Memo No. 427, December 2006.