In a new curated e-book of policy memos, PONARS Eurasia experts address the impact of COVID-19 in Eurasia.
Table of Contents
Part I. Facing the Unknown: Post-Soviet Responses to COVID-19
Post-Soviet State Responses to COVID-19 Making or Breaking Authoritarianism?
Marlene Laruelle and Madeline McCann
The Russian Power Vertical and the COVID-19 Challenge: The Trajectories of Regional Responses
Regina Smyth, Gulnaz Sharafutdinova, Timothy Model, and Aiden Klein
Ukraine Rides High While COVID-19 Lays Low: But For How Long?
Ivan Gomza
COVID-19 Implications for Azerbaijan: Momentum Immobilized by a Perfect Storm
Anar Valiyev
The Pandemic in the Arctic: Common Challenges from Juneau to Murmansk
Robert Orttung
Part II. COVID-19 as a Foreign Policy Tool
Masked Diplomacy: Xi and Putin Seek Advantage and Cover from the Pandemic
Elizabeth Wishnick
Under the Cover of COVID-19: Reverse Irredentism Rising in East Ukraine’s “People’s Republics”
Mikhail Alexseev
“From Russia With Love”: The Kremlin’s COVID-19 Charm Offensive
Alexandra Yatsyk
Part III. The Useful Excuse: COVID-19 and Securitization Trends
Video Surveillance and COVID-19 in Eurasia
Erica Marat
Russia and Digital Surveillance in the Wake of COVID-19
Paul Goode
The Russian Parliament and the Pandemic: A State of Emergency, Post-Constitutional Changes, Retaliatory Laws
Ekaterina Koldunova
Central Asian Responses to COVID-19: Regime Legitimacy and [De]Securitization of the Health Crisis
Mariya Omelicheva and Lawrence Markowitz
Part IV. Reshaping State-Society Relations
Organizational Resilience: Russian Civil Society in the Times of COVID-19
Andrey Semenov and Vsevolod Bederson
COVID-19 in Russia: What Russians Expected, What They Got, and What They Think About It
Sarah Wilson Sokhey
Linkages between Experiencing COVID-19 and Levels of Political Support in Russia
Margarita Zavadskaya and Boris Sokolov
This Time is Different (Again): The Political Consequences of the Economic Crisis in Russia
Andrey Semenov
Divide and Co-Opt: Government Opposition Relations in Azerbaijan in the Wake of COVID-19
Farid Guliyev