(Time) “For both groups, the security conditions in Sochi will come as something of a shock,” [Pavel] Baev says, like trying to maintain the Olympic spirit inside a “besieged fortress.” Over the past few years, Sochi’s residents have watched the walls of that fortress go up around them, as the presence of federal troops and security services has gradually intensified. So there is little about the Christmas cordon that could come as a shock to them, Baev adds. Speaking by phone from Sochi, Kimaev agrees. This morning, police started checking documents and searching cars at random, and there was much confusion on the roads near Olympic venues as drivers were turned away by the armed troops manning the checkpoints. “But people took it calmly,” Kimaev says. “Of course we’re tired. Everybody’s tired. But people realize that these measures are justified. The threat is real, and we just have to get through these last couple of months.” So for many residents of this Olympic city, the closing ceremony, not the opening one, will be the real reason to celebrate. […]
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